Why Mary Kay
erm.. to be specific 10 June 2018.. dah dekat 5 bulan dah jadi sebahagian Family Mary Kay
erm... sebenarnya masa tu tak ada pon niat nak join.. just datang sebab masa tu dapat invitation untuk pergi skincare class.. then makeup class..
- kebetulan masa tu kulit memang tengah breakout gila gila.. dah try few local drugstore product tapi.. hampehh.. so.. masa try the products masa skincare class.. ehh mcm ngam lak.. ada yg immediate result.. so.. i mcm WOW.
- CHEAPSKATE punya minded... hahaha.. i sayang my duit.. so.. i try my best to take all whatever to save my money.. masa class tu.. diorang ade bgtau.. the whole product set is around RM 300++ i mcm ohh okey.. but joined as beauty consultant i just pay RM 189 and got all products + additional stuf (facial cloth, mirrors, bags etc etc). JIMAT sangat.
- JANA INCOME.. masa tu kebetulan i dah resign my position kat previous company. and hati masih dalam dilemma either wanna go to new company or not. sebab jauh.. n masa tu nak puasa.. so.. i think by joining Mary Kay.. boleh jana income.
at first macam suka few products Mary Kay yang i try masa skincare class tu.. tapi masa tu hati berbolak balik lagi.. ye laa.. harga dia mahal.. so.. i macam x yakin.. nanti kang 1 kali je beli pastu terus tukar produk lain yang murah... hahaha.. well.. typical me. sayang duit.
as i said just now.. masa tu kulit tengah teruk gila gila gila... and ada cuba few international products juga masa tu.. so.. ko rasa??? sedih tak?? tapi.. buat xtau je.. haha.. sampai la lepas balik dari kelas skincare tu.. ade 1 kali tu my mom tanya "teruknya muka tuuu" .. haa.. masa tu la mula bibit bibit keyakinan nak join Mary Kay
my mom tanya "teruknya muka tu.. ? salah pakai produk ke?" then my mom suggest to buy the brand yang dia pakai "Nutrimetics". then i soal my mom few questions,
"kalau beli nutrimetics harga dia berapa?"
"boleh cuba dlu tak sebelum beli?"
"kalau salah beli... boleh tukar tak?"
due to the answer i get... i cekalkan hati bayar RM 189 and join Mary Kay
erm.. mahal ke tak you define sendiri.. sebab its your money and how u define the big value of money.. but what i can say is it worth it.. i worth my money to join Mary Kay
- first thing first.. my skin dah start recovery.. sedikit demi sedikit.. tapi semakin baik.. so.. im happy with the products.
- worth money.. as i can get products cheaper from the retail price.. for set Botanical Effects yang i amik.. for retails is RM 314 while i just pay RM 189 and get few extra items deliver to my house.. HAPPY
- Products tahan lama... memang kalau ikut harga retail.. agak nak menangis masa beli produk tu.. tapi tahan lama... i dh pakai few months ni.. masih banyak lagi produk tu.. ni pon happy.
- Dapat Sisters yang happening and fun. bila join mary kay... kitorang ada sistem sisterhood yang sangat happening.. yang encourage you to be success.. to be there whenever you need them... mcm2 activities yang depa dok buat.... so.. best.
sampai sini dula la i merepek.
sambung citer Part Ketiga nanti..
Ind Beauty Consultant
Mary Kay Malaysia
Cik Purple
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