Monday, July 30, 2018

[Perfume] Prada - Candy Gloss

Prada Candy Gloss Prada for women

Prada - Candy Gloss

  • The focus is on the sour - sweet cherry flavor in the top of the composition, toned down with orange blossom in the heart, after which the gourmand base of almond, vanilla and musk emerges
  • Fruity & Sweet


Skin (Part 4) - Skin Color

kali nie #BeautyMadnessWithBabyNurul nak buat sharing sikit.
erm... this one basic things dulu la ye..
heee.. sama sama kita kumpul ilmu..

korang boleh rujuk post lepas untuk check balik part 1 and part 2.
since subjek ni dah jadi macam drama berepisod.. haha..
Skin Part 1 - Function
Skin Part 2 - Epidermis.
Skin Part 3 - Dermis 


Anatomical Structures of Human Skin

Human skin shows high skin color variety from the darkest brown to the lightest pinkish-white hues. Human skin shows higher variation in color than any other single mammalian species and is the result of natural selection. Skin pigmentation in humans evolved to primarily regulate the amount of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) penetrating the skin, controlling its biochemical effects

The actual skin color of different humans is affected by many substances, although the single most important substance determining human skin color is the pigment melanin. Melanin is produced within the skin in cells called melanocytes and it is the main determinant of the skin color of darker-skinned humans. 
  • The skin color of people with light skin is determined mainly by the bluish-white connective tissue under the dermis and by the hemoglobin circulating in the veins of the dermis. 
  • The red color underlying the skin becomes more visible, especially in the face, when, as consequence of physical exercise or the stimulation of the nervous system (anger, fear), arterioles dilate

There are at least five different pigments that determine the color of the skin. These pigments are present at different levels and places. 
  •  Melanin: It is brown in color and present in the basal layer of the epidermis. 
  • Melanoid: It resembles melanin but is present diffusely throughout the epidermis. 
  • Carotene: This pigment is yellow to orange in color. It is present in the stratum corneum and fat cells of dermis and superficial fascia. 
  • Hemoglobin (also spelled haemoglobin): It is found in blood and is not a pigment of the skin but develops a purple color. 
  • Oxyhemoglobin: It is also found in blood and is not a pigment of the skin. It develops a red color.

There is a correlation between the geographic distribution of UV radiation (UVR) and the distribution of indigenous skin pigmentation around the world. Areas that highlight higher amounts of UVR reflect darker-skinned populations, generally located nearer towards the equator. Areas that are far from the tropics and closer to the poles have lower concentration of UVR, which is reflected in lighter-skinned populations

In the same population it has been observed that adult human females are considerably lighter in skin pigmentation than males. Females need more calcium during pregnancy and lactation, and vitamin D which is synthesized from sunlight helps in absorbing calcium. For this reason it is thought that females may have evolved to have lighter skin in order to help their bodies absorb more calcium

The Fitzpatrick scale is a numerical classification schema for human skin color developed in 1975 as a way to classify the typical response of different types of skin to ultraviolet (UV) light: 
  •  I   Always burns, never tans                       --       Pale, Fair, Freckles 
  • II   Usually burns, sometimes tans              --       Fair 
  • III  May burn, usually tans                          --       Light Brown 
  • IV  Rarely burns, always tans                      --      Olive brown 
  • V   Moderate constitutional pigmentation   --       Brown 
  • VI  Marked constitutional pigmentation     --      Black

Cik Purple

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Xtreme : ATV at Kemensah

hye eberibodii..

Xtreme : ATV at Kemensah

berkesempatan kali ni nk join 1 aktiviti riadah sukan lasak.
teringin sangat nak main sukan lasak...
tapi selalunya x de geng..
biasalah.. kawan kita banyak yang giler food hunting and travel saja..
so... ermm.. dapat geng.. ada bajet.. ape lagi..

kali nie activity ni di organise by Uncle Didie..
a friend of mine dari twitter..
*siapa kata kawan dari social media x boleh buat geng kat luar.. ni buktinyaaa*
sebab Uncle ni penah main kat sini..
and dia pon tolong organise after ade sambutan dari few friends..
ah yes... kawan twitter juga..
orang kata mengeratkan ukhuwah.. heee

teman teman yang join outing kali ni.. 
these are the members of the floors..
1. Me 
2. Pejal 
3. Uncle Didie
4. Elia
5. Emiey
6. Hakim
7. Dino

3 gadis and 4 gentleman..
why gentleman?? nanti i citer..

kali ni kami amik pakej C dengan bayaran RM 150 seorang
main ATV dalam 1 1/2 jam - 2 Jam
siap mandi kat Air Terjun Queen Latifah.

since most of us is first - timer..
kali pertama nak main..
so ade la taklimat sikit..
macam mana nak guna, handle ATV ni..
and sedikit sebanyak pasal litar..
dah habis taklimat.. kita main pusing pusing dulu sekejap..
orang kata test drive..
agak agak okey...
ayuh kita mulakan..

Yaa, Emiey & Me
pakai helmet... amik motor memasing.. and beratur 1 barisan.. 
diketuai oleh seorang guide kat depan..
then... gadis gadis pon jalan dulu..
orang kata ladies first... 
i dok yang no 3.. sebab masa test drive.. i lembaps sampai.. 
sedap dok main test drive... dorang dh beratur.. so.. sok la belakang.. 
belakang i.. ade seorang lagi guide..
nasib baikkk dia ade weihh.. 
hahahhaa.. why??? 
ini lah kisahnya.. 

Drama Cik Queen
since tangan saya kecik... comel.. halus muluss..
jadi sampai at 1 point tu.. tangan dah rasa pedih..
kenapa?? sebab tak tekan minyak lagi dahhh.. 
limit tangan sampai ke situ..
kiranya x tekan habis..
dah tu cramp sudah..
lenguhhh.. ape ape laaa.. 
jadi.. masa nak naik pergi ke air terjun tu.. sangkuttt
i la selalu sangkut...
kesian the member kena banyak benti sebab i.. 
guide sorang tu siap bagi glove dia lagi... 
asal sangkut ... guide kat belakang la kne tolong..

me and all the member yang join.. 

sampai kat air terjun.. kitorang pon parkinggg.. 
and turun gi air terjun tu..
mandi manda.. rendam rendammm
sempat la snap snap sekejap... 
and makan makan gitu... 

air terjun Latifah
tengah sedap party kat air terjun tu... tetiba guide tu panggil naik..
alaaaa.. x puas berendammm.. 
tapi.. xpe la.. lain kali kita datang lagiii.. hehehe.. 

so.. masa turun tu.. masih posisi tadi... girls dulu.. then diselikan dengan the bois.. 
belakang i masih ade guide.. hahaha.. walaupon guide tu swap place.. 
i macam biasa laaa.. gedik.. 
drama drama sikit sikit tu biasalah..
cuma sebab dah ade pengalaman naik tadi..
so.. masa turun ni okeyy dah sikit..
cuma tangan masih sakit.. 
tengah elok elok ekor-mengekori.. tetiba rasa belakang tu hilang.. 
then guide suruh parking and tunggu.. 
sorang guide pi turun sekejap tengok apa jadi dengan the boisss.. 

drama abam pejal
since the girls dah selamat.. kitorang pon tunggu tunggu la..
ingatkan ade yang sangkut kat pokok tumbang..
sebab kat situ memang haruu skit..
menunduk dia blh tahan.. untuk aset bawah yg besar mcm saya.. lain macam pose dia.. hahaha..
tapi kami sabar ..
bila agak lama menunggu.. guide yg satu lagi ni pon risau.
dia pinjam my car (ATV) tu nak pergi intai..
kita pon ok kan saja..
dan bersembang la 3 gadis pujaan ..
sembang sembang sambil borak borak sambil makan..
lama gak laaa kitorang tunggu..
dengan bunyi enjin.. naik nye x pon..
so.. malas nk fkir banyak.. kitorang sambung makan
x lama lepas tu naik laaa mereka beramai ramai diketuai oleh abam pejal..
kitorang yang bizi bodi ni pon tanya kenapa..
then dorang pon cerita.. kete ATV si Pejal mati.. xmo start..
entah camne and ape jadi kat bawah tu xtau la...
tapi the bois yang lain la jadi penyelamat.

dah selamat semua.. guide suh tunggu sekejap..
tunggu ofis hantar kereta baru..  ye la..
ATV tak boleh naik 2 orang.. kang terbalik..
so.. kami pon tunggu tunggu.. sambil makan..
ade yang smoke..

tetiba guide ajak turun..
posisi dah berubah.. sebab guide ade 1 je..
nak tak nak.. guide kena duk depan la...

so.. guide... then abam pejal.
then cik drama queen..
baru yang lain2 follow.
turun ni kurang drama sikit..
sebab memasing dah okay..
tinggal nak layann corner, selut, and ape semua kat trail..

sampai kat jalan tar.. ape lagi.. memasing pecut macam orang gila...
ade yang nak race... hahaha..

We did it~!!!
insyaallah.. klu ade rezeki nak repeat lagi..
tapi.. kena tunggu all fatigue ni okay dulu la..
lagi2 jari ni..
kalau tak.. pedih oii






Foodie: Burger Rio McD

hallu gengg..
kita saja je nak share sikit...
dah lama x update pasal makan makan kan.. hehehhehe..
so.. kali ni nak share pasal satu makanan ni..

Burger Rio Mc Donalds

Related image

rasanya ramai kot yang tahu pasal Burger Rio ni..
ye la... pemesss kot..
rasanya start ada dalam pasaran sejak pesta World Cup di Russia tu start lagi..
if not mistaken masa tu raya kann...

okeyh okeyh..
kita je lembaps nak update..
sebab baru je try..
hahahaha.. sila jangan bahan

so.. masa tu pergi la ke MCD.
dan kita gatal order Burger Rio Beef..
sebab biasanya burger daging ni sodap...

balik rumah je.. kita pon bismillah dan mula ngap.
memula tu boleh tahan..
lama lama.. uishhh.. x tahan gua..
pedassssssssssss giler oiii..

sedap la juga...
patty dia juicy..
ade sayur (not relly my fav sayur2 ni.. haha)
cuma dia pedassssssssss


Tips Starbucks

ade barista share tips how to order at Starbucks..
so.. kita share share sini okey..
kalau ada yang dah try...
jangan lupa update okeiii..

jangan lupa try ~~~!!!!
